Mi âf ym mlaen yn nerth y nef
Mi af ymlaen yn nerth y nef
Mi âf yn mlaen yn nerth y nef

1,(2,(3),4,5);  1,2,(3).
(Ymroddiad y duwiol)
Mi âf ym mlaen yn nerth y nef,
  Tua'r baradwysaidd dir;
Ac ni orphwysaf nes cael gwel'd
  Fy etifeddiaeth bur.

Mae llais i'm galw maes o'r byd
  A'i bleser o bob rhyw:
Gwrandawaf finnau'r hyfryd sŵn -
  Llais fy Anwylyd yw.

Ni wela' ar aswy nac ar dde,
  'Mhlith holl wrthddrychau'r byd,
Ddim dàl ymddiried yn ei nerth,
  Na rhoddi arno 'mryd,

Iesu yw tegwch mawr y byd,
  A thegwch pena'r nef;
Ac y mae'r cwbl sydd o werth
  Yn trigo ynddo Ef.

A boed fy mhleser yma byth,
  O tan ei aden wiw;
Na foed difyrwch genyf mwy
  Mewn dim ond yn fy Nuw.
Ni wela' :: 'Dwy'n gweld
wrthddrychau :: wrthrychau
yma byth :: bellach byth

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Bedford (William Wheale 1696-1727)
Engedi (o Beethoven 1770-1827)
French (The CL Psalmes of David 1615)
Gloucester (Salmydd Ravenscroft 1621)
Gräfenberg / Nun Danket All (Johan Crüger 1598-1662)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
Piety (<1835)
St Agnes (John Bacchus Dykes 1823-76)
Stukeley (F Mendelssohn 1809-47)
Winchester Old (Salmydd Este 1592)

  Iesu yw tegwch mawr y byd
  Ni throf fy wyneb byth yn ol
  Yr Iesu mawr yw tegwch byd

(The commitment of the godly)
I will go forward in the strength of heaven,
  Towards the paradisiacal land;
And I will not rest until getting to see
  My pure inheritance.

There is a voice calling me out of the world
  And its pleasures of every kind:
I shall listen to the delightful sound -
  The voice of my Beloved is it.

I shall not see on the left nor on the right,
  Amongst all the objects of the world,
Anything in whose strength to keep trust,
  Nor to put my attention upon.

Jesus is the great comeliness of the world
  And its pleasure of every kind:
And the whole of what is of worth
  Resides in Him.

And may my pleasure here forever be,
  Under his worthy wing;
May I have no more interest
  In anything but in my God.
here forever :: henceforth forever

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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